Members Beacon Portal
Keep your details up to date on the Oswestry u3a Database Portal. Log In or Register by clicking on the link below.
Renewal of Membership is by payment of the current years' subscription, starting 01 December. The appropriate subscription (made by cheque, or BACS payable to Oswestry U3A) should be sent to the Membership Secretary. Payment can be made in cash at one of our meetings. The Membership Secretary will then issue a membership card, please send a Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope if you wish to have your Membership Card sent by post.
It was agreed at the AGM that Subscriptions for the current year will be £15
You MUST be a Oswestry u3a Member to attend any meetings or groups, however prospective new members can attend 2 functions as a taster before they have to commit to join Oswestry u3a.
Entry to Weekly Meeting inc. Social Mornings will be £2 (Entry to the AGM and Business Meeting are Free)
We prefer subscription payment by On-line Banking (BACS)
Oswestry u3a, Sort Code 52-41-16 Account No 42589576
(Members please quote your Surname and Membership Number)
If you pay tax, Oswestry u3a can claim 25% Gift Aid, if you haven't already please let us know.